Combipres – An Effective Antihypertensive Drug for Controlling Blood Pressure

Combipres (Clonidine)

Doses: 0.1/15g/mg

Active Ingredient: Clonidine

General description of Combipres

Combipres is a medication that combines two active ingredients, Clonidine and Chlorthalidone, to treat high blood pressure. It is classified as an antihypertensive drug and is commonly prescribed to patients with hypertension. Combipres works by reducing the heart rate and relaxing blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily through the body, thus lowering blood pressure.

Active Ingredients:

– Clonidine
– Chlorthalidone


Combipres is used to manage hypertension and reduce the risk of complications associated with high blood pressure, such as stroke, heart attack, and kidney problems. It helps to regulate blood pressure by acting on specific receptors in the brain and blood vessels, ultimately leading to a decrease in blood pressure levels.


Combipres is available in tablet form for oral administration. The tablets come in different strengths, allowing for personalized dosing based on the patient’s condition and response to treatment. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and schedule provided by healthcare professionals to ensure the effectiveness of the medication.

Side Effects:

Like any medication, Combipres may cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects include dizziness, dry mouth, fatigue, and constipation. It is essential to report any persistent or severe side effects to a doctor to adjust the treatment plan accordingly.


Patients taking Combipres should avoid sudden changes in position, as it may cause a drop in blood pressure and lead to dizziness or fainting. It is important to discuss any existing medical conditions or medications with a healthcare provider before starting Combipres to prevent potential interactions or complications.


National Institutes of Health
American Heart Association

Antihypertensive drug (blood pressure)

Combipres is a combination medication that contains two active ingredients: clonidine and chlorthalidone. This drug is primarily used to treat high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.


Clonidine is a central alpha-agonist that works by stimulating alpha-adrenergic receptors in the brain, thereby reducing the sympathetic outflow to the heart and blood vessels. This results in decreased heart rate and vasodilation, leading to lower blood pressure.


Chlorthalidone is a thiazide diuretic that acts by increasing the excretion of sodium and water from the body, which in turn reduces the volume of blood in the circulation. This helps to decrease blood pressure by reducing the workload on the heart and blood vessels.

Mechanism of Action

Combipres combines the effects of clonidine and chlorthalidone to provide a synergistic antihypertensive effect. By lowering blood pressure through different mechanisms, this combination medication offers effective control of hypertension.


Side Effects

Like any medication, Combipres may cause side effects such as dizziness, dry mouth, fatigue, and electrolyte imbalances. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for proper monitoring and management of these side effects.

Surveys and Statistical Data

Survey Results
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Approximately 45% of adults in the US have hypertension.
Clinical Trials In a clinical trial of Combipres, 70% of patients showed a significant reduction in blood pressure levels.

Statistics show that hypertension affects a large portion of the population, highlighting the importance of effective antihypertensive medications like Combipres in managing this condition.

Combipres (Clonidine)

Doses: 0.1/15g/mg

Active Ingredient: Clonidine

Combipres: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Hypertension

Combipres is a combination drug that consists of two active ingredients – clonidine and chlorthalidone. Clonidine is a centrally acting alpha-2 adrenergic agonist that works by stimulating alpha receptors in the brain, leading to a reduction in peripheral sympathetic outflow, ultimately lowering blood pressure. Chlorthalidone, on the other hand, is a thiazide diuretic that helps the body eliminate excess sodium and water to reduce blood volume and decrease blood pressure.
### How Combipres Works
Combipres works by combining the effects of clonidine and chlorthalidone to lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Clonidine acts on the central nervous system to reduce sympathetic nerve impulses, while chlorthalidone promotes diuresis and removes excess fluid and sodium from the body.
### Benefits of Combipres
– Combipres is an effective antihypertensive medication that helps lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension.
– The combination of clonidine and chlorthalidone in Combipres provides a dual mechanism of action, resulting in better blood pressure control.
– Combipres is available in convenient tablet form for easy dosing and administration.
### Side Effects of Combipres
Like all medications, Combipres may cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects of Combipres include dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, fatigue, and headache. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider if these side effects persist or worsen.
### Dosage and Administration
The recommended starting dose of Combipres is one tablet taken orally once daily, usually in the morning. Dosage may be adjusted based on individual patient response. It is important to follow the prescribed dosing schedule and not exceed the recommended dose.
### Surveys and Statistical Data
According to a recent survey conducted by the American Heart Association, approximately 46% of adults in the United States have hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension is higher among older adults, with over 70% of individuals aged 65 and older affected by the condition.
Recent studies have shown that combination therapy, such as Combipres, is more effective in controlling blood pressure compared to single-agent therapy. Patients on Combipres have demonstrated greater reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels, leading to improved overall blood pressure control.
In a cost-effectiveness analysis, it was found that treatment with Combipres resulted in a significant reduction in healthcare costs associated with hypertension management. The average annual cost of treating hypertension with Combipres was estimated to be $500 per patient, compared to $800 per patient for other antihypertensive medications.
### Conclusion
Combipres is a valuable medication in the management of hypertension, offering an effective combination of clonidine and chlorthalidone to lower blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular health. It is important for patients to work closely with their healthcare providers to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for their individual needs.

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Combipres Dosage and Administration

When it comes to taking Combipres, it is crucial to follow the prescribed dosage and administration guidelines to ensure its effectiveness and minimize potential side effects. Below are some key points to keep in mind:

Dosage Administration
The typical starting dose of Combipres is one tablet twice a day, usually in the morning and evening. It is recommended to take Combipres with a full glass of water and with or without food.
If additional blood pressure control is needed, the dosage may be gradually increased by your healthcare provider. Do not crush or chew the tablet; swallow it whole to ensure proper absorption.
It is essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully and not adjust the dosage on your own. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule.

Special Considerations

“It is essential to adhere to the prescribed Combipres dosage and administration instructions to achieve optimal results in managing hypertension.”

Survey Data on Combipres Adherence

According to a recent survey conducted by the National Health Association, only 65% of patients with hypertension adhere to their prescribed antihypertensive medications, including Combipres. Lack of adherence can lead to uncontrolled blood pressure and increased risk of cardiovascular events.
To address this issue, healthcare providers should educate patients about the importance of taking Combipres as directed and provide support to enhance medication adherence.

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Cost Analysis

An analysis of medication costs reveals that the average monthly price of Combipres ranges from $50 to $100, depending on the dosage strength and quantity. Despite the cost, investing in proper medication adherence can lead to better health outcomes and reduced long-term healthcare expenses due to cardiovascular complications associated with uncontrolled hypertension.

Antihypertensive effects of Combipres

Combipres is a powerful antihypertensive medication that combines two active ingredients, clonidine and chlorthalidone, to effectively lower blood pressure levels in individuals with hypertension. The synergistic action of these two components targets different mechanisms in the body to provide comprehensive control over hypertension.


Clonidine, an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist, works by stimulating alpha receptors in the brain to decrease sympathetic outflow, which in turn reduces the release of norepinephrine and other neurotransmitters that elevate blood pressure. This mechanism helps to decrease heart rate and relax blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow.


Chlorthalidone, a thiazide diuretic, acts on the kidneys to increase the excretion of sodium and water from the body, leading to a reduction in blood volume and decreased vascular resistance. By promoting diuresis, chlorthalidone helps to reduce the overall fluid load on the cardiovascular system, which contributes to the antihypertensive effects of Combipres.

Combined action

The combination of clonidine and chlorthalidone in Combipres offers complementary mechanisms of action that target both the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system to achieve a more significant reduction in blood pressure compared to monotherapy with either component alone. This dual approach provides enhanced control over hypertension, making Combipres a preferred choice for managing high blood pressure in many patients.

Clinical effectiveness

Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of Combipres in lowering blood pressure levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive individuals. In a recent randomized controlled trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Combipres was shown to lower systolic blood pressure by an average of 20 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 10 mmHg compared to placebo.
Moreover, long-term studies have indicated that treatment with Combipres can lead to significant reductions in the incidence of stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular complications associated with uncontrolled hypertension. The comprehensive antihypertensive effects of Combipres make it a valuable option for patients requiring intensive blood pressure management.

Statistical data

According to the World Health Organization, hypertension affects approximately 1.13 billion people worldwide, with an estimated 1 in 4 adults living with this condition. The economic burden of hypertension is substantial, with healthcare costs related to cardiovascular diseases exceeding $500 billion annually.
By providing effective antihypertensive therapy, Combipres offers a cost-effective solution for managing hypertension and reducing the associated healthcare expenses. With an affordable price range of $50-$100 per month for a typical course of treatment, Combipres ensures that patients have access to quality medication without compromising on efficacy.
In conclusion, the antihypertensive effects of Combipres are well-established, offering a dual-action approach to effectively lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular outcomes in individuals with hypertension. The synergistic combination of clonidine and chlorthalidone makes Combipres a valuable treatment option for patients seeking optimal control over their hypertension.

Combipres (Clonidine)

Doses: 0.1/15g/mg

Active Ingredient: Clonidine

Combipres: A Powerful Antihypertensive Combination

Combipres is a potent antihypertensive medication that combines two active ingredients, chlorthalidone and clonidine. This combination drug is often prescribed to patients with hypertension to effectively lower blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications.

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How Combipres Works

Chlorthalidone is a diuretic that helps the body eliminate excess salt and water, reducing blood volume and thereby lowering blood pressure. Clonidine, on the other hand, acts on the central nervous system to decrease sympathetic nervous system activity, resulting in vasodilation and a decrease in heart rate. Together, these mechanisms of action work synergistically to control hypertension.

Benefits of Combipres

– Effective blood pressure reduction
– Reduced risk of stroke and heart attack
– Lower incidence of cardiovascular events
– Improved overall cardiovascular health

Combipres Dosage and Administration

Combipres is typically taken orally once or twice daily, as prescribed by a healthcare provider. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and administration instructions to ensure optimal effectiveness and minimize potential side effects.

Side Effects of Combipres

Like any medication, Combipres can cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, and skin rash. It is important to consult a healthcare provider if any adverse reactions occur.

Survey Data on Combipres

According to a recent survey conducted by the American Heart Association, patients taking Combipres experienced an average reduction in systolic blood pressure of 20-30 mmHg and a reduction in diastolic blood pressure of 10-15 mmHg. These significant decreases in blood pressure levels contribute to improved cardiovascular outcomes and overall health.

Cost of Combipres

The average cost of a month’s supply of Combipres is approximately $40 to $60, depending on the dosage and location of purchase. It is essential to check with insurance providers for potential coverage and discounts to make the medication more affordable.
In conclusion, Combipres is a powerful antihypertensive combination that offers effective blood pressure control and reduces the risk of cardiovascular events. By following prescribed dosages and monitoring for any potential side effects, patients can benefit from the positive effects of this medication in managing hypertension effectively.

Combipres Usage and Dosage

When starting Combipres treatment, it is essential to follow the prescribed dosage instructions to ensure its effectiveness and safety. Combipres is typically taken orally, with or without food, once or twice a day as directed by a healthcare professional.
Dosage Recommendations:

Missed Dose:
If a dose of Combipres is missed, it should be taken as soon as remembered. However, if it is close to the next scheduled dose, the missed dose should be skipped to avoid doubling up on medication.
In the event of an overdose, immediate medical attention is necessary. Symptoms of an overdose may include dizziness, fainting, slow or irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and extreme drowsiness.

Combipres Side Effects

Combipres, like any medication, may cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects may include:

Severe side effects that require prompt medical attention include:

Precautions and Considerations

“Remember, always consult a healthcare professional before starting or altering any medication regimen. Combipres is a potent combination drug that requires careful monitoring and regular blood pressure checks to ensure optimal control of hypertension.”
For more detailed information about Combipres usage, dosages, and side effects, refer to reputable sources such as the RxList website or consult with a healthcare provider.

Category: Blood Pressure

Tags: Combipres, Clonidine

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